Traditional Worship

Traditional Worship is reverent and “old-fashioned.” It includes traditional hymns, prayers, a passing of the peace, the reading of Scripture, a sermon and the Sacraments. Holy Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Traditional Worship meets on Sundays at 8:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

For information, contact Pastor Val at 281-353-2436 x103 or

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is made up of people who love to sing! But more than that, who love to praise God through music. The Choir’s mission is to lead those who come to worship in such a way that it brings them closer to God. Every rehearsal ends with a prayer that God will enable the Choir to do just that. The Chancel Choir rehearses a variety of music that inspires, moves and touches those in worship. Its repertoire includes special music at Christmas, Holy Week and Easter.

During rehearsals, the Chancel Choir works hard on upcoming music while keeping a relaxed, fun environment. If you are looking for a place to serve, a place to fit in, and you enjoy singing, the Choir invites you with open arms, we want to get to know you and we will pull up a chair just for you! Chancel Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary.